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UPLIFT Tourism
Self Assessment

Take the first step to lift-up tourism in your region.

This FREE self-assessment will provide you with: 

  • A snapshot of your current tourism context 

  • Identify gaps where tourism can be strengthened 

  • Pinpoint ways to make tourism net positive for your region 

  • Provide recommendations on next steps 

This free UPLIFT Tourism self-assessment will provide tourism leaders in a natural land-or-seascape with a concise set of practical steps to lift up tourism in their destination. 


We ask that at least 3 people (and maximum 6) involved in tourism in the destination complete the self-assessment. Participants should ideally represent different groups within the region, such as local government, destination and land management organizations, tourism businesses, civil society, etc. as well as from different cultural/ethnic groups that make up the community. 


The information gathered through the self-assessment is consolidated and reviewed by the NatureScapes team, who then provide a free report and recommendations to the participants focused on practical ways to lift up tourism in their region. 


There is no obligation to go any further with NatureScapes, and the participants are free to use the information and recommendations from the report as they please. If interested, NatureScapes can also recommend ways in which we can support your tourism efforts through our suite of UPLIFT Tourism tools. These tools are designed to enhance the ability of our local partners to strengthen and manage tourism in their region.

Getting Started

Start by filling in the fields below.
Then click 'Continue' to start the self assessment.

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